Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So, here we go

Well hello good reader,

How are you today? I am fine. I hope that you have had a pleasant morning thus far. OK, enough of that.

We here in the Priest family - Zac & Summer Chapter, are new to this whole blogging thing so we are just going to jump in and learn as we go. As the title states this is for our little family so we can keep all our loved ones informed as to how our lives are progressing. If we bore you, stop reading. So, let's get blogging, what do you say.

We'll pick up right in this day in history. I (zac) slept horribly last night. Summer and Hannah were sick yesterday (the not keeping their food from coming back up type sick) so it wasn't a happy day around our house. Poor Summer woke up around 3 and just couldn't keep anything down for most of the day. I got up and went to work and Hannah decided she wanted to join in on the fun with mommy so at around 11 she started throwing up too. I am praying for 2 things in this situation 1) That they both start feeling better and get over this little bug quickly. 2) That I don't catch whatever bug they have. I know it's kind of selfish but man...ok, being sick is bad enough and I know that it's no party for anyone when they throw up but when I do it. You'd think I went Pro right out of high school. Not to give nasty, grizzly details but I have had to swallow my own shoes back down before. Big Indian throwing up...not pretty!

So, on the schedule for today isn't much of anything. I have to get some stuff done for VBS and our Mission Trip that is coming up. We are going to Hoopa, CA again. We went there last year too and it was amazing. We do a Backyard Bible Club (toned down VBS) for the kids there. Hoopa is an Indian reservation in the Hoopa valley in northern California. Not reservation like Tee pees and camp fires like in Dances with Wolves. I know that's what you were thinking. It's a small native town that really needs to hear the love that God has for them. We are taking about 10 people this year. 8 students and 2 adults. It should be fun. I'll write more about this trip soon.

Well, I have to get started with the day so I hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying yet another beautiful day provided for us by the Lord. If not, go start.

1 comment:

Danyel said...

Lovely post. God is good. And of course I will enjoy it. I'm thrilled you've started this blog!